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Dental Bridges

About Dental Bridges

What are Dental Bridges?

A dental bridge fills the gap between two teeth. The one or more teeth on either side of the gap are prepared to allow the bridge to attach which require crowns. These will support the bridge that the dentist will fix into the gap. A lab usually produces the dental bridge out of gold, alloys, or porcelain. Once the bridge is fixed into place, it is supported by the natural teeth or implants around the gap. Bridges do not come out unless a dentist removes it.

Dental implants are more ideal to use instead of dental bridges, but complicated medical histories, finances, and patient’s desires sometimes still dictate that a bridge is a preferred restoration over an implant. Only you and your dentist can make the best decision on which treatment is right for you.

The process of getting a dental bridge usually requires two visits.

The first visit is prepping your teeth. The teeth on either side of the bridge are called Abutment teeth and are prepped to receive crowns. Then an impression of your teeth is made to model a dental bridge consisting of the crowns and pontic, the replacement tooth. You will usually receive a temporary bridge to protect any exposed teeth and gums.

On your second visit, the temporary bridge will be removed and the permanent bridge will be fixed into place. At this time, the dentist will adjust the bridge for a perfect fit. Follow up visits may be necessary to perfect the fit of the bridge.