OFFICE NUMBER: 803-736-1024

“Columbia Family Dental Office Built Around Your Needs and Concerns”

Can you give me the smile I want?

Our doctors have over 50 years’ experience in dealing with complex dental care needs. No matter how difficult your needs are, we can make a plan to get you the smile you want.

Do you have payment options?

YES! We have partnered with several lending companies that work specifically to help patients afford the dental care they need. We can likely find a monthly payment option that fits your budget.

Do you take my insurance?

We work with all PPO insurance plans and will expertly submit claims on your behalf to maximize your benefits. Due to our exceptionally high level of care, we are not in-network with any dental insurance companies. However, most dental insurance plans still cover you at our office. Please mention your plan when you call us and we can help you maximize your benefits!

I am scared of the dentist. Can you help me?

We love working with people who are afraid of the dentist and helping them have a great experience. Read our Google reviews about how we can change your entire outlook on coming to the dentist.

I don’t have dental insurance.

Not a Problem! As an office that is not contracted with any dental insurance companies, we are able to offer better dentistry, better materials, better results, and more one-on-one time with your provider. We refuse to allow large corporate insurance companies to dictate what care you deserve or limit the quality of materials/techniques we can use. We also offer in-office membership and financing plans to help our patients afford the dentistry they need.

I’m embarrassed by my teeth.

Don’t be! We promise a completely judgment free and supportive experience. We have seen it all. Everyone has to start somewhere so don’t let embarrassment stop you from getting the care you need.

Can you handle all my dental needs or will you have to send me to another office?

In most cases we can handle all adult dental care needs in our office. Whether it is implant surgery, complex extractions, or complicated root canals- we can likely handle all of your needs here. Every case is different and we are thankful for a great network of specialists in the area that we refer to when needed.

Do you provide emergency care?

Yes, we do. In most cases we can see you within one business day but we do require an appointment. On the weekends we always have a doctor on call for our existing patients. However, we do not see new patient emergencies after hours or on the weekends.

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Columbia’s Best Dental Care. All in One Location.

Dental Cleanings

Dental cleanings are an important part of your oral health. Ensuring your mouth, teeth, and gums are in good shape and clean helps to maintain your smile.


Dental fillings help restore a tooth back to it’s normal self in terms of function and looks.

tooth extractions

Sometimes you a tooth needs to be pulled usually due to disease, crowding, or trauma. The dentist will take x-rays, numb the area and extract the tooth.


Root canals are a common procedure to treat damaged and diseased teeth. A root canal is similar to a filling and is usually completed in one to two visits.

Dental Bonding

We want your smile to look more than just beautiful, we want it to look natural and we’re willing to bet that you do too. That’s why we use the most up-to-date methods of dental bonding and tooth-colored fillings in the industry. Dental bonding is the easiest and least expensive compared to crowns and veneers.

Teeth Whitening

Has your smile become more yellow over time and lost it’s sparkle? Teeth whitening may be what you need. When people think of clean teeth and a healthy smile, they think white teeth. Get your sparkle back today with our teeth whitening service.

Dental Veneers

Dental Veneers are a great option when trying to fix common dental issues.

Dental Bridges

A dental bridge fills the gap between two teeth. The one or more teeth on either side of the gap are prepared to allow the bridge to attach which require crowns. These will support the bridge that the dentist will fix into the gap. The process of getting a dental bridge usually requires two visits. 

Dental Crowns

Dental crowns are caps shaped like a tooth that is placed over the tooth, restoring it’s strength and shape. Crowns are designed to encase the entire visible portion of the tooth. Crowns can be made of various materials including stainless steel, metals such as gold, porcelain, resin, or ceramic.

Dental Implants

Dental implants are used to replace teeth that have been lost due to tooth decay, periodontal disease, or injury. Before, if you were suffering from missing teeth, the only options were bridges or dentures. Dental implants replace the tooth roots and offer a foundation for new replacement teeth. 

Dental Inlays & Onlays

Dental inlays and onlays are a method used to to replace a part of a tooth structure that has been damaged due to decay without completely crowning the tooth.


Dentures replace missing teeth, help improve speech cause by missing teeth, improve chewing, and improve facial appearance. There are two types of dentures, complete dentures and removable partial dentures.